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finegan 04-27-2003 01:50 PM

I gotcha, is dmesg spammed with timeout errors to the firmware? I think -110 cannot connect to BAP or somesuch? Its a firmware timing bug with the prism2.5-esque firmware. Its been more or less solved in the .13x series of the orinoco driver, you've got .11b if your running RH stock kernels.

This almost always makes quick with a simple "make", "make install".

Here's the driver's site:



andrew001 04-27-2003 06:27 PM

Everything seems to be on track now, thanks a lot Finegan. You're my hero.

andrew001 04-27-2003 10:47 PM


Well, my wireless nic works fine, but since I downloaded these new modules I've been having serious boot problems. After I try to load Slackware from Lilo, it echos that it is loading linux, but all of a sudden the little dots stop.

i'm assuming this means that i'm supposed to pass the kernel some special option for these drivers, but i have no idea what.


finegan 04-28-2003 11:15 AM

I doubt they're related... that's a little, well... odd. You can use the Slack CD as a boot disk and just pass it root options at the prompt, then take a look at lilo, maybe re-run it and see if it spits errors. There's an outside chance that the orinoco update might have confused hotplugging support... might want to run a "depmod -a", but I think that was part of "make install". Offhand I think they're unrelated... probably.



andrew001 04-28-2003 03:23 PM


I removed the orinoco modules, and it booted up fine, so I think the problem was definitely the modules. Anyway, I checked depmod and was getting some unresolved symbols. I figured this might have been because these modules had the same name as the old ones, but were actually different.

I recompiled my kernel, then inserted the modules I needed, and (so far) everything is workking according to plan.

Thanks a lot finegan,

PS> I just got done reading about the farm. kersweeeeeeeet

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