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akaBeaVis 08-19-2003 04:53 PM

and we're back...

I saw channel 5 in the output of your iwconfig so it found it without any help, In most cases you don't need to specify it, so don't worry about it.

I just checked the berlios page again, and your device has been verified to work with both their driver and the driver you originally had on the floppy.

Just for testing purposes:
1. turn off wep and mac filtering on the router, ie: disable any and all security features pertaining to wireless.
2. make sure the router is configured to serve dhcp, most likely it is and this is how your windows box is getting it's address and gateway and dns info, but make sure the wireless part is also set that way.
3. unplug the device, and replug it.
4. type the same iwconfig command from before but with no "key xxxxxx", just that iwconfig command, no ifconfig, no route.
5. type dhcpcd wlan0, this may take a while to return.
6. when it comes back, type ifconfig and see if you got an address, if after 3 solid minutes it does not come back, ctrl-c to stop it. If it does come back and ifconfig now shows, then we can say positively that the device is communicating with the router properly, and now try to ping the router, this time wait a little while before killing the ping.

whatever happens I need to see the output of the lsmod command.

ematrixxx 08-19-2003 06:03 PM

Ok, im confused about my settings with my router, what do i need to do with the following things ?

I took a screenshot of my router settings after i tried to change them, tell me what to change please I hosted the screenshot

ematrixxx 08-19-2003 06:47 PM

Also, is there a way to take a screnshot of my command prompt in linux and put it on my floppy, so i can show you the output from iwconfig and ifconfig ?? Or cut past the text to something and put it on my floppy so i can post it here.

ematrixxx 08-20-2003 12:52 PM

wake up akabevis : / :rolleyes:

akaBeaVis 08-20-2003 05:55 PM

hey, sorry 'bout last nite, ran into some problems of my own, still sorting them out...I'll be back in 45min or so, as far as screenshots go, you don't need them for the console commands, here's how to send the output straight to the floppy:
1. mount the floppy: mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
2. type this command: touch /mnt/floppy/output.txt
3. now type any console command you want the output to go to the floppy followed by a space and this: ">> /mnt/floppy/output.txt" without the quotes, When you're finished type umount /mnt/floppy, wait for the light to go off and you can then pull it out. all command output should be redirected to the floppy and added to the end of the output.txt file which you can open in windows notepad and cut/paste into the browser. Some commands may resist this, hopefully not the ones we're trying to see.

re: the router settings screenshot: from what I can see the wireless is turned off. You need to turn the wireless back on by selecting the enable radio button, and leave the wep off for the moment, then try to connect using the commands you tried earlier, just remember to not use the "key xxxxxx" part of the iwconfig cmd.

The mac filtering option is not visible, can you get a shot of that also please.

be back soon

ematrixxx 08-20-2003 06:38 PM

It says that my disk is read only ???
Heres what is all looked like:

bash-2.05b# touch /mnt/floppy/output.txt
rouch: creating `/mnt/floppy/output.txt': Read-only file system
bash-2.05b# iwconfig
ls no wireless extensions.

bash-2.05b# ifconfig
lo Link encap: local loopback
inet addr: Mask:
UP loopback running mtu:16436 metric:1
RX packets: 109 errors: 0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame: 0
TX packets:109 erros:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:9850 (9.6 Kb) TX bytes:9850 (9.6 Kb)

bash-2.05b# ifconfig >> /mnt/floppy/output.txt
bash: /mnt/floppy/output.txt: REad-only file system

You were saying about my router what settings ? Im confused.

Anways, i have to go to jiujistsu right now, ill be back in an hour or 2.

ematrixxx 08-20-2003 08:32 PM

Ok, I am back now, are you there ?

akaBeaVis 08-20-2003 08:41 PM

yes, now where were we?

ematrixxx 08-20-2003 09:05 PM

Ok, sorry but I just cfdisk'd slackware becuase my friend told me I was a dumbass and I didn't install a swap but now I don't know how to use cfdisk to install a swap and he told me i needed a section for the home directory and a section for everything else, how do i do this ? Also, my sister is complainging because she says since I screwed around witht he router settings I kicked her off of the net LOL, do you know which settings I should set back so she can get on, once i get the swap in and format slackware on again ill follow all my previous steps, so I am back where I was before in a minute.

ematrixxx 08-20-2003 09:47 PM

K, im back now, post something when your back.

ematrixxx 08-21-2003 01:18 PM

i got everything working up to the point where we were last time now.

ematrixxx 08-21-2003 01:26 PM

My bigest problem is that i can't get my floppy pipe to work. Heres what happends every time, In windows i can make stuff on the floppy and put stuff on and off, but in slackware look :

bash-2.05b# mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
mount: /dev/fd0 already mounted or /mnt/floppy busy

bash-2.05b# touch /mnt/floppy/output.txt
touch: creating `/mnt/floppy/output.txt': REad- only file system

bash-2.05b# ifconfig >> /mnt/floppy/output.txt
bash: /mnt/floppy//output.txt: REad-only file system

akaBeaVis 08-21-2003 04:58 PM

I'm back, sorry, ran into firmware difficulties with my acx100 card last nite and had a wonderful time fixing them. You're starting from a fresh install of slack 9.0?

akaBeaVis 08-21-2003 05:48 PM

Sorry again, I'm going to dinner in a few minutes, be back in a couple of hours at the most, I will try to IM you when I get back, have your client running, it may not work, but I think IM would be the best place to take this, it should speed things up, if you don't respond within 10 min or so, then I'll figure it didn't work and post back here. As far as the floppy goes, instead of asking you for the full output of commands, I'll try to ask questions that require only a minimum of typing, hopefully the IM works.

ematrixxx 08-21-2003 06:11 PM

I'm on right now, my sn is ematrixxx, im going to work in 3 hours though and I will not be back for 4 hours after that though. I will leave an away message up so just try to message me and ill try to get back to you on aim when I get back.

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