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Old 09-10-2014, 05:38 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2008
Posts: 17

Rep: Reputation: 4
Ultimate Prompt and bashrc. File

I've been working on my .bashrc file on and off for years. Over the years, I have searched through scores of others' .bashrc files and command prompts.

I think this is the most amazing and ultimate command prompt and .bashrc file I have ever seen, and I wanted to share it with anyone who wanted to use it.

I wanted this script to work on any machine running bash just "out of the box" without any needed modifications. And it's very friendly for new people coming to Linux.

To download it, simply go here:

Or, you can just execute this and reboot (backup your existing .bashrc file first if you need it):
/bin/rm -f ~/.bashrc* && cd ~ && wget && wget
Once installed, for FULL COLOR HELP and description of each command and change, simply type:
Yes, it has it's own full color "help file" (using less supporting Page up and down - type Q to exit). No, I didn't make a man page for it and don't plan to. If you don't like the color, there is a non-color version included in the archive.

First, here's the command prompt:

Dark background:

Light background:

Solarized dark:

Solarized light:

Black and white:

It has a lot of useful information on it including the date, time, cpu usage, jobs, network connections to your machine, current user, server (if logged in SSH), your current directory, the size of all the files, the file count, and any errors with lookup text descriptions for those exit codes.

The ONLY feature this prompt does not contain (out of every prompt I've ever seen) is a timer for the last command executed. I did have the code working for this, but it requires debug, and it's just not very accurate. Also, it would stop working correctly if scripts gave weird exit codes. I removed it and may add it back in at some point.

Please note: The editor used in this script is nano, pico, or joe (it will automatically use what you have installed without any configuration). I use a graphical UI editor for most of my coding, so I have no need for the power of Emacs or even Vim. To change it, just change the alias and modify the edit function. If you install joe (available in almost all repositories and Joe's Own Editor), the scripts will automatically use it immediately instead without any configuration or reboot. This script also uses multitail and tree for a couple of commands. To automatically install them on Mint, Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat, Fedora, SuSE, Gentoo, or Mandriva, just type: install_bashrc_support

So what are some of the new lazy/helpful commands?

hlp - Show's a full color help file with these commands and other nice shortcuts

Configuration (These will find your configuration files for you! There is no need to modify the script.)
ebrc - Edit the .bashrc file
phpconfig - Edit the PHP configuration
apacheconfig - Edit Apache web server configuration
mysqlconfig - Edit MySQL database configuration

h - Search command line history (also CTRL-S and CTRL-R)
p - Search running processes
f - Search filenames in the current folder
ftext - Searches for text in all files in the current folder

da - Show the date
ver - Show the current version of the operating system
checkcommand - Show if a command is aliased, a file, or a built-in command
cpu - Shows the CPU usage
topcpu - Show the top 10 CPU processes
logs - Show all logs in /var/log
apachelog - View Apache web server logs (requires multitail)
rot13 - Rot13 conversion

la - Directory listing: show hidden files
ls - Directory listing: add colors and file type extensions
lx - Directory listing: sort by extension
lk - Directory listing: sort by size
lc - Directory listing: sort by change time
lu - Directory listing: sort by access time
lr - Directory listing: recursive ls
lt - Directory listing: sort by date
lm - Directory listing: pipe through 'more'
lw - Directory listing: wide listing format
ll - Directory listing: long listing format
labc - Directory listing: alphabetical sort
lf - Directory listing: files only
ldir - Directory listing: directories only

.. - go back 1 folder
... - go back 2 folders
.... - go back 3 folders
..... - go back 4 folders
up - go up a specified number of folders

bd - change into your previous folder (also cd -)
cpp - Copy file with a progress bar
cpg - Copy and go to the directory
mvg - Move and go to the directory
mkdirg - Create and go to the directory
rmd - Remove a directory, all sub folders, and files
pwd - Show the current directory (not an alias)
oldpwd - Show the previous directory (not an alias)
pwdtail - Returns the last 2 fields of the working directory

countfiles - Count all files (recursively) in the current folder
diskspace - Show how disk space is being used
folders - Show subfolders and disk space
folderssort - Show subfolders sorted with disk space
tree - Show a folder and file tree
treed - Show a folder tree
mountedinfo - Show mounted information

home - go to your home folder
web - Change into your Apache web folder

File Permissions
000 - Change permissions to no read/write/execute
644 - Change permissions to read only/write for owner
666 - Change permissions to read only
755 - Change permissions to read only and execute/write for owner
777 - Change permissions to read, write, and execute
mx - make files executable

extract - Extract any archive(s) (does everything unp does without the need to install it)
mktar - Create a tar file
mkbz2 - Created a bzip2 archive file
mkgz - Create a gzip archive file
untar - Extract a tar file
unbz2 - Extract a bzip2 archive file
ungz - Extract a gzip archive file

netinfo - Show current network information
whatsmyip - Internal and external IP address lookup
ipview - Show the number of connections to the web server
openports - Show open ports

rebootsafe - reboot safely
rebootforce - force reboot

I really recommend adding bash completion to your system.

Download and then copy the bash_completion/bash_completion file to /etc - the script will automatically pick it up if installed. You probably will want to make a /etc/bash_completion.d directory for any additional completion scripts.

If you have any comments or useful things you'd like to see added, let me know in the comments below.


Last edited by jeffguy77; 09-14-2014 at 03:13 AM.
Old 09-10-2014, 06:09 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2008
Posts: 17

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 4
Ultimate Prompt and bashrc. File

For those who don't want to download but would like to look at the code:
iatest=$(expr index "$-" i)


# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
	 . /etc/bashrc

# Enable bash programmable completion features in interactive shells
if [ -f /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion ]; then
	. /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion
elif [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
	. /etc/bash_completion


# Disable the bell
if [[ $iatest > 0 ]]; then bind "set bell-style visible"; fi

# Expand the history size
export HISTFILESIZE=10000
export HISTSIZE=500

# Don't put duplicate lines in the history and do not add lines that start with a space
export HISTCONTROL=erasedups:ignoredups:ignorespace

# Check the window size after each command and, if necessary, update the values of LINES and COLUMNS
shopt -s checkwinsize

# Causes bash to append to history instead of overwriting it so if you start a new terminal, you have old session history
shopt -s histappend
PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a'

# Allow ctrl-S for history navigation (with ctrl-R)
stty -ixon

# Ignore case on auto-completion
# Note: bind used instead of sticking these in .inputrc
if [[ $iatest > 0 ]]; then bind "set completion-ignore-case on"; fi

# Show auto-completion list automatically, without double tab
if [[ $iatest > 0 ]]; then bind "set show-all-if-ambiguous On"; fi

# Set the default editor
export EDITOR=nano
export VISUAL=nano
alias pico='edit'
alias spico='sedit'
alias nano='edit'
alias snano='sedit'

# To have colors for ls and all grep commands such as grep, egrep and zgrep
export CLICOLOR=1
export LS_COLORS='no=00:fi=00:di=00;34:ln=01;36:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.ogg=01;35:*.mp3=01;35:*.wav=01;35:*.xml=00;31:'
export GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto'

# Color for manpages in less makes manpages a little easier to read
export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\E[01;31m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\E[01;31m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\E[01;44;33m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\E[01;32m'


# Alias's for SSH

# Alias's to change the directory
alias web='cd /var/www/html'

# Alias's to mount ISO files
# mount -o loop /home/NAMEOFISO.iso /home/ISOMOUNTDIR/
# umount /home/NAMEOFISO.iso
# (Both commands done as root only.)

# To temporarily bypass an alias, we preceed the command with a \
# EG: the ls command is aliased, but to use the normal ls command you would type \ls

# Add an "alert" alias for long running commands.  Use like so:
#   sleep 10; alert
alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"'

# Edit this .bashrc file
alias ebrc='edit ~/.bashrc'

# Show help for this .bashrc file
alias hlp='less ~/.bashrc_help'

# alias to show the date
alias da='date "+%Y-%m-%d %A %T %Z"'

# Alias's to modified commands
alias cp='cp -i'
alias mv='mv -i'
alias rm='rm -iv'
alias mkdir='mkdir -p'
alias ps='ps auxf'
alias ping='ping -c 10'
alias less='less -R'
alias cls='clear'
alias apt-get='sudo apt-get'
alias multitail='multitail --no-repeat -c'
alias freshclam='sudo freshclam'
alias vi='vim'
alias svi='sudo vi'
alias vis='vim "+set si"'

# Change directory aliases
alias home='cd ~'
alias cd..='cd ..'
alias ..='cd ..'
alias ...='cd ../..'
alias ....='cd ../../..'
alias .....='cd ../../../..'

# cd into the old directory
alias bd='cd "$OLDPWD"'

# Remove a directory and all files
alias rmd='/bin/rm  --recursive --force --verbose '

# Alias's for multiple directory listing commands
alias la='ls -Alh' # show hidden files
alias ls='ls -aFh --color=always' # add colors and file type extensions
alias lx='ls -lXBh' # sort by extension
alias lk='ls -lSrh' # sort by size
alias lc='ls -lcrh' # sort by change time
alias lu='ls -lurh' # sort by access time
alias lr='ls -lRh' # recursive ls
alias lt='ls -ltrh' # sort by date
alias lm='ls -alh |more' # pipe through 'more'
alias lw='ls -xAh' # wide listing format
alias ll='ls -Fls' # long listing format
alias labc='ls -lap' #alphabetical sort
alias lf="ls -l | egrep -v '^d'" # files only
alias ldir="ls -l | egrep '^d'" # directories only

# alias chmod commands
alias mx='chmod a+x'
alias 000='chmod -R 000'
alias 644='chmod -R 644'
alias 666='chmod -R 666'
alias 755='chmod -R 755'
alias 777='chmod -R 777'

# Search command line history
alias h="history | grep "

# Search running processes
alias p="ps aux | grep "
alias topcpu="/bin/ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args | sort -k 1 -r | head -10"

# Search files in the current folder
alias f="find . | grep "

# Count all files (recursively) in the current folder
alias countfiles="for t in files links directories; do echo \`find . -type \${t:0:1} | wc -l\` \$t; done 2> /dev/null"

# To see if a command is aliased, a file, or a built-in command
alias checkcommand="type -t"

# Show current network connections to the server
alias ipview="netstat -anpl | grep :80 | awk {'print \$5'} | cut -d\":\" -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *\$//'"

# Show open ports
alias openports='netstat -nape --inet'

# Alias's for safe and forced reboots
alias rebootsafe='sudo shutdown -r now'
alias rebootforce='sudo shutdown -r -n now'

# Alias's to show disk space and space used in a folder
alias diskspace="du -S | sort -n -r |more"
alias folders='du -h --max-depth=1'
alias folderssort='find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 du -sk | sort -rn'
alias tree='tree -CAhF --dirsfirst'
alias treed='tree -CAFd'
alias mountedinfo='df -hT'

# Alias's for archives
alias mktar='tar -cvf'
alias mkbz2='tar -cvjf'
alias mkgz='tar -cvzf'
alias untar='tar -xvf'
alias unbz2='tar -xvjf'
alias ungz='tar -xvzf'

# Show all logs in /var/log
alias logs="sudo find /var/log -type f -exec file {} \; | grep 'text' | cut -d' ' -f1 | sed -e's/:$//g' | grep -v '[0-9]$' | xargs tail -f"

# SHA1
alias sha1='openssl sha1'


# Use the best version of pico installed
edit ()
	if [ "$(type -t jpico)" = "file" ]; then
		# Use JOE text editor
		jpico -nonotice -linums -nobackups "$@"
	elif [ "$(type -t nano)" = "file" ]; then
		nano -c "$@"
	elif [ "$(type -t pico)" = "file" ]; then
		pico "$@"
		vim "$@"
sedit ()
	if [ "$(type -t jpico)" = "file" ]; then
		# Use JOE text editor
		sudo jpico -nonotice -linums -nobackups "$@"
	elif [ "$(type -t nano)" = "file" ]; then
		sudo nano -c "$@"
	elif [ "$(type -t pico)" = "file" ]; then
		sudo pico "$@"
		sudo vim "$@"

# Extracts any archive(s) (if unp isn't installed)
extract () {
	for archive in $*; do
		if [ -f $archive ] ; then
			case $archive in
				*.tar.bz2)   tar xvjf $archive    ;;
				*.tar.gz)    tar xvzf $archive    ;;
				*.bz2)       bunzip2 $archive     ;;
				*.rar)       rar x $archive       ;;
				*.gz)        gunzip $archive      ;;
				*.tar)       tar xvf $archive     ;;
				*.tbz2)      tar xvjf $archive    ;;
				*.tgz)       tar xvzf $archive    ;;
				*.zip)       unzip $archive       ;;
				*.Z)         uncompress $archive  ;;
				*.7z)        7z x $archive        ;;
				*)           echo "don't know how to extract '$archive'..." ;;
			echo "'$archive' is not a valid file!"

# Searches for text in all files in the current folder
ftext ()
	# -i case-insensitive
	# -I ignore binary files
	# -H causes filename to be printed
	# -r recursive search
	# -n causes line number to be printed
	# optional: -F treat search term as a literal, not a regular expression
	# optional: -l only print filenames and not the matching lines ex. grep -irl "$1" *
	grep -iIHrn --color=always "$1" . | less -r

# Copy file with a progress bar
	set -e
	strace -q -ewrite cp -- "${1}" "${2}" 2>&1 \
	| awk '{
	count += $NF
	if (count % 10 == 0) {
		percent = count / total_size * 100
		printf "%3d%% [", percent
		for (i=0;i<=percent;i++)
			printf "="
			printf ">"
			for (i=percent;i<100;i++)
				printf " "
				printf "]\r"
	END { print "" }' total_size=$(stat -c '%s' "${1}") count=0

# Copy and go to the directory
cpg ()
	if [ -d "$2" ];then
		cp $1 $2 && cd $2
		cp $1 $2

# Move and go to the directory
mvg ()
	if [ -d "$2" ];then
		mv $1 $2 && cd $2
		mv $1 $2

# Create and go to the directory
mkdirg ()
	mkdir -p $1
	cd $1

# Goes up a specified number of directories  (i.e. up 4)
up ()
	local d=""
	for ((i=1 ; i <= limit ; i++))
	d=$(echo $d | sed 's/^\///')
	if [ -z "$d" ]; then
	cd $d

#Automatically do an ls after each cd
# cd ()
# {
# 	if [ -n "$1" ]; then
# 		builtin cd "$@" && ls
# 	else
# 		builtin cd ~ && ls
# 	fi
# }

# Returns the last 2 fields of the working directory
pwdtail ()
	pwd|awk -F/ '{nlast = NF -1;print $nlast"/"$NF}'

# Show the current distribution
distribution ()
	local dtype
	# Assume unknown
	# First test against Fedora / RHEL / CentOS / generic Redhat derivative
	if [ -r /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions ]; then
		source /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
		[ zz`type -t passed 2>/dev/null` == "zzfunction" ] && dtype="redhat"
	# Then test against SUSE (must be after Redhat,
	# I've seen rc.status on Ubuntu I think? TODO: Recheck that)
	elif [ -r /etc/rc.status ]; then
		source /etc/rc.status
		[ zz`type -t rc_reset 2>/dev/null` == "zzfunction" ] && dtype="suse"
	# Then test against Debian, Ubuntu and friends
	elif [ -r /lib/lsb/init-functions ]; then
		source /lib/lsb/init-functions
		[ zz`type -t log_begin_msg 2>/dev/null` == "zzfunction" ] && dtype="debian"
	# Then test against Gentoo
	elif [ -r /etc/init.d/ ]; then
		source /etc/init.d/
		[ zz`type -t ebegin 2>/dev/null` == "zzfunction" ] && dtype="gentoo"
	# For Mandriva we currently just test if /etc/mandriva-release exists
	# and isn't empty (TODO: Find a better way :)
	elif [ -s /etc/mandriva-release ]; then

	# For Slackware we currently just test if /etc/slackware-version exists
	elif [ -s /etc/slackware-version ]; then

	echo $dtype

# Show the current version of the operating system
ver ()
	local dtype

	if [ $dtype == "redhat" ]; then
		if [ -s /etc/redhat-release ]; then
			cat /etc/redhat-release && uname -a
			cat /etc/issue && uname -a
	elif [ $dtype == "suse" ]; then
		cat /etc/SuSE-release
	elif [ $dtype == "debian" ]; then
		lsb_release -a
		# sudo cat /etc/issue && sudo cat /etc/ && sudo cat /etc/lsb_release && sudo cat /etc/os-release # Linux Mint option 2
	elif [ $dtype == "gentoo" ]; then
		cat /etc/gentoo-release
	elif [ $dtype == "mandriva" ]; then
		cat /etc/mandriva-release
	elif [ $dtype == "slackware" ]; then
		cat /etc/slackware-version
		if [ -s /etc/issue ]; then
			cat /etc/issue
			echo "Error: Unknown distribution"
			exit 1

# Automatically install the needed support files for this .bashrc file
install_bashrc_support ()
	local dtype

	if [ $dtype == "redhat" ]; then
		sudo yum install multitail tree joe
	elif [ $dtype == "suse" ]; then
		sudo zypper install multitail
		sudo zypper install tree
		sudo zypper install joe
	elif [ $dtype == "debian" ]; then
		sudo apt-get install multitail tree joe
	elif [ $dtype == "gentoo" ]; then
		sudo emerge multitail
		sudo emerge tree
		sudo emerge joe
	elif [ $dtype == "mandriva" ]; then
		sudo urpmi multitail
		sudo urpmi tree
		sudo urpmi joe
	elif [ $dtype == "slackware" ]; then
		echo "No install support for Slackware"
		echo "Unknown distribution"

# Show current network information
netinfo ()
	echo "--------------- Network Information ---------------"
	/sbin/ifconfig | awk /'inet addr/ {print $2}'
	echo ""
	/sbin/ifconfig | awk /'Bcast/ {print $3}'
	echo ""
	/sbin/ifconfig | awk /'inet addr/ {print $4}'

	/sbin/ifconfig | awk /'HWaddr/ {print $4,$5}'
	echo "---------------------------------------------------"

# IP address lookup
alias whatismyip="whatsmyip"
function whatsmyip ()
	# Dumps a list of all IP addresses for every device
	# /sbin/ifconfig |grep -B1 "inet addr" |awk '{ if ( $1 == "inet" ) { print $2 } else if ( $2 == "Link" ) { printf "%s:" ,$1 } }' |awk -F: '{ print $1 ": " $3 }';

	# Internal IP Lookup
	echo -n "Internal IP: " ; /sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet addr" | awk -F: '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'

	# External IP Lookup
	echo -n "External IP: " ; wget -O - -q

# View Apache logs
apachelog ()
	if [ -f /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf ]; then
		cd /var/log/httpd && ls -xAh && multitail --no-repeat -c -s 2 /var/log/httpd/*_log
		cd /var/log/apache2 && ls -xAh && multitail --no-repeat -c -s 2 /var/log/apache2/*.log

# Edit the Apache configuration
apacheconfig ()
	if [ -f /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf ]; then
		sedit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
	elif [ -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf ]; then
		sedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
		echo "Error: Apache config file could not be found."
		echo "Searching for possible locations:"
		sudo updatedb && locate httpd.conf && locate apache2.conf

# Edit the PHP configuration file
phpconfig ()
	if [ -f /etc/php.ini ]; then
		sedit /etc/php.ini
	elif [ -f /etc/php/php.ini ]; then
		sedit /etc/php/php.ini
	elif [ -f /etc/php5/php.ini ]; then
		sedit /etc/php5/php.ini
	elif [ -f /usr/bin/php5/bin/php.ini ]; then
		sedit /usr/bin/php5/bin/php.ini
	elif [ -f /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini ]; then
		sedit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
		echo "Error: php.ini file could not be found."
		echo "Searching for possible locations:"
		sudo updatedb && locate php.ini

# Edit the MySQL configuration file
mysqlconfig ()
	if [ -f /etc/my.cnf ]; then
		sedit /etc/my.cnf
	elif [ -f /etc/mysql/my.cnf ]; then
		sedit /etc/mysql/my.cnf
	elif [ -f /usr/local/etc/my.cnf ]; then
		sedit /usr/local/etc/my.cnf
	elif [ -f /usr/bin/mysql/my.cnf ]; then
		sedit /usr/bin/mysql/my.cnf
	elif [ -f ~/my.cnf ]; then
		sedit ~/my.cnf
	elif [ -f ~/.my.cnf ]; then
		sedit ~/.my.cnf
		echo "Error: my.cnf file could not be found."
		echo "Searching for possible locations:"
		sudo updatedb && locate my.cnf

# For some reason, rot13 pops up everywhere
rot13 () {
	if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
		tr '[a-m][n-z][A-M][N-Z]' '[n-z][a-m][N-Z][A-M]'
		echo $* | tr '[a-m][n-z][A-M][N-Z]' '[n-z][a-m][N-Z][A-M]'

# Trim leading and trailing spaces (for scripts)
	local var=$@
	var="${var#"${var%%[![:space:]]*}"}"  # remove leading whitespace characters
	var="${var%"${var##*[![:space:]]}"}"  # remove trailing whitespace characters
	echo -n "$var"

# Set the ultimate amazing command prompt

alias cpu="grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat | awk '{usage=(\$2+\$4)*100/(\$2+\$4+\$5)} END {print usage}' | awk '{printf(\"%.1f\n\", \$1)}'"
function __setprompt
	local LAST_COMMAND=$? # Must come first!

	# Define colors
	local LIGHTGRAY="\033[0;37m"
	local WHITE="\033[1;37m"
	local BLACK="\033[0;30m"
	local DARKGRAY="\033[1;30m"
	local RED="\033[0;31m"
	local LIGHTRED="\033[1;31m"
	local GREEN="\033[0;32m"
	local LIGHTGREEN="\033[1;32m"
	local BROWN="\033[0;33m"
	local YELLOW="\033[1;33m"
	local BLUE="\033[0;34m"
	local LIGHTBLUE="\033[1;34m"
	local MAGENTA="\033[0;35m"
	local LIGHTMAGENTA="\033[1;35m"
	local CYAN="\033[0;36m"
	local LIGHTCYAN="\033[1;36m"
	local NOCOLOR="\033[0m"

	# Show error exit code if there is one
	if [[ $LAST_COMMAND != 0 ]]; then
		# PS1="\[${RED}\](\[${LIGHTRED}\]ERROR\[${RED}\])-(\[${LIGHTRED}\]Exit Code \[${WHITE}\]${LAST_COMMAND}\[${RED}\])-(\[${LIGHTRED}\]"
		PS1="\[${DARKGRAY}\](\[${LIGHTRED}\]ERROR\[${DARKGRAY}\])-(\[${RED}\]Exit Code \[${LIGHTRED}\]${LAST_COMMAND}\[${DARKGRAY}\])-(\[${RED}\]"
		if [[ $LAST_COMMAND == 1 ]]; then
			PS1+="General error"
		elif [ $LAST_COMMAND == 2 ]; then
			PS1+="Missing keyword, command, or permission problem"
		elif [ $LAST_COMMAND == 126 ]; then
			PS1+="Permission problem or command is not an executable"
		elif [ $LAST_COMMAND == 127 ]; then
			PS1+="Command not found"
		elif [ $LAST_COMMAND == 128 ]; then
			PS1+="Invalid argument to exit"
		elif [ $LAST_COMMAND == 129 ]; then
			PS1+="Fatal error signal 1"
		elif [ $LAST_COMMAND == 130 ]; then
			PS1+="Script terminated by Control-C"
		elif [ $LAST_COMMAND == 131 ]; then
			PS1+="Fatal error signal 3"
		elif [ $LAST_COMMAND == 132 ]; then
			PS1+="Fatal error signal 4"
		elif [ $LAST_COMMAND == 133 ]; then
			PS1+="Fatal error signal 5"
		elif [ $LAST_COMMAND == 134 ]; then
			PS1+="Fatal error signal 6"
		elif [ $LAST_COMMAND == 135 ]; then
			PS1+="Fatal error signal 7"
		elif [ $LAST_COMMAND == 136 ]; then
			PS1+="Fatal error signal 8"
		elif [ $LAST_COMMAND == 137 ]; then
			PS1+="Fatal error signal 9"
		elif [ $LAST_COMMAND -gt 255 ]; then
			PS1+="Exit status out of range"
			PS1+="Unknown error code"

	# Date
	PS1+="\[${DARKGRAY}\](\[${CYAN}\]\$(date +%a) $(date +%b-'%-m')" # Date
	PS1+="${BLUE} $(date +'%-I':%M:%S%P)\[${DARKGRAY}\])-" # Time

	# CPU
	PS1+="(\[${MAGENTA}\]CPU $(cpu)%"

	# Jobs

	# Network Connections (for a server - comment out for non-server)
	PS1+="\[${DARKGRAY}\]:\[${MAGENTA}\]Net $(awk 'END {print NR}' /proc/net/tcp)"


	# User and server
	local SSH_IP=`echo $SSH_CLIENT | awk '{ print $1 }'`
	local SSH2_IP=`echo $SSH2_CLIENT | awk '{ print $1 }'`
	if [ $SSH2_IP ] || [ $SSH_IP ] ; then

	# Current directory

	# Total size of files in current directory
	PS1+="(\[${GREEN}\]$(/bin/ls -lah | /bin/grep -m 1 total | /bin/sed 's/total //')\[${DARKGRAY}\]:"

	# Number of files
	PS1+="\[${GREEN}\]\$(/bin/ls -A -1 | /usr/bin/wc -l)\[${DARKGRAY}\])"

	# Skip to the next line

	if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
		PS1+="\[${GREEN}\]>\[${NOCOLOR}\] " # Normal user
		PS1+="\[${RED}\]>\[${NOCOLOR}\] " # Root user

	# PS2 is used to continue a command using the \ character
	PS2="\[${DARKGRAY}\]>\[${NOCOLOR}\] "

	# PS3 is used to enter a number choice in a script
	PS3='Please enter a number from above list: '

	# PS4 is used for tracing a script in debug mode
	PS4='\[${DARKGRAY}\]+\[${NOCOLOR}\] '
The color help file has escape codes and can't be pasted in like this.

Last edited by jeffguy77; 09-14-2014 at 03:20 AM. Reason: Updated
Old 09-10-2014, 08:00 PM   #3
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Very cool!

You might ask the mods to move this thread to a more prominent place, such as the Member Success Stories forum.
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Old 09-10-2014, 08:54 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by dugan View Post
Very cool!

You might ask the mods to move this thread to a more prominent place, such as the Member Success Stories forum.
Thanks, dugan! I thought I would share if it helps someone in some way. And I love my prompt!
Old 09-12-2014, 04:31 PM   #5
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I forgot to say, the script used multitail and tree (both awesome commands), but you can find those in almost all repositories.

For example:

sudo apt-get install multitail tree

yum install multitail tree
And the .bashrc script will still work without these.
Old 09-12-2014, 05:30 PM   #6
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That is pretty cool, I'll give it a shot and see how I like it.

I did notice a small problem though. At the top it's trying to source global definitions and programmable completion, but it's missing a "source" or ".". As-written it's trying to execute those files, which results in a permission denied error.

I also tried to use it on a very old machine I have here, and it resulted in an infinite loop of errors. I actually had to ssh into the machine as another user, su to root, and restore my original .bashrc from there because I couldn't get to a prompt as me. Not a huge deal, but maybe there should be some version checking to make it more robust.

If you're interested, the actual error was:
-bash: PS1+=\[\033[1;30m\](\[\033[0;36m\]$(date +%a) Sep-9: command not found
-bash: PS1+=\033[0;34m 4:30:21pm\[\033[1;30m\])-: command not found
-bash: PS1+=(\[\033[0;35m\]CPU 0.5%: command not found
-bash: PS1+=\[\033[1;30m\]:\[\033[0;35m\]\j: command not found
-bash: PS1+=\[\033[1;30m\]:\[\033[0;35m\]Net 24: command not found
-bash: PS1+=\[\033[1;30m\])-: command not found
-bash: PS1+=(\[\033[0;31m\]\u@\h: command not found
-bash: PS1+=\[\033[1;30m\]:\[\033[0;33m\]\w\[\033[1;30m\])-: command not found
-bash: PS1+=(\[\033[0;32m\]14M\[\033[1;30m\]:: command not found
-bash: PS1+=\[\033[0;32m\]$(/bin/ls -A -1 | /usr/bin/wc -l)\[\033[1;30m\]): No such file or directory
-bash: PS1+=\n: command not found
-bash: PS1+=\[\033[0;32m\]>\[\033[0m\] : command not found
Looks like it doesn't like the "+=" syntax.

Last edited by suicidaleggroll; 09-12-2014 at 05:37 PM.
Old 09-12-2014, 05:58 PM   #7
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Also, the stty and bind commands fail when opening a non-interactive session, eg:
> ssh server ls
/home/user/.bashrc: line 22: bind: warning: line editing not enabled
stty: standard input: Invalid argument
/home/user/.bashrc: line 43: bind: warning: line editing not enabled
/home/user/.bashrc: line 46: bind: warning: line editing not enabled
Fixed by adding a line to the top:
iatest=$(expr index "$-" i)
and then sticking an if statement around those four lines (the three binds and the stty call):
if [[ $iatest > 0 ]]; then bind "set bell-style visible"; fi
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Old 09-14-2014, 02:42 AM   #8
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Awesome input. Thank you, suicidaleggroll!

Okay, I made all the changes you recommended except the concatenations for really old versions of bash. I might do that at a later date.

Thanks for the help and input!!

To "upgrade" to the latest version, just type:
rm -f ~/.bashrc* && cd ~ && wget

Last edited by jeffguy77; 09-14-2014 at 03:16 AM. Reason: Updated
Old 09-14-2014, 07:24 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by suicidaleggroll View Post
Also, the stty and bind commands fail when opening a non-interactive session, eg:
> ssh server ls
/home/user/.bashrc: line 22: bind: warning: line editing not enabled
stty: standard input: Invalid argument
/home/user/.bashrc: line 43: bind: warning: line editing not enabled
/home/user/.bashrc: line 46: bind: warning: line editing not enabled
Fixed by adding a line to the top:
iatest=$(expr index "$-" i)
I use
bind '"\e[A": history-search-backward'
bind '"\e[B": history-search-forward'
on 100% of my servers' .bashrc files.
Is there a similar snippet that I can use outside of jeffguys' .bashrc to suppress this warning during non-interactive shells?

Old 09-14-2014, 08:36 AM   #10
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The same one I posted above should work.

$- is a special flag passed to bash at runtime. The presence of an "i" in the result means it's interactive, which is what that "iatest=$(expr index "$-" i)" snip is looking for. The result is the index of the letter "i" in the output of "$-". A value >0 means it was there, a value of zero means it wasn't. So if you then stick a "if [[ $iatest > 0 ]]" around all of your interactive-only commands, you should be set.

It's not perfect, as scripts/shells can be forced to run in interactive mode even if it's not an interactive session (by adding a -i to the bash flags or putting a "#!/bin/bash -i" for the header, but for a .bashrc file it's good enough.

Another option is to test PS1, but I don't like that because some .bashrc files will set PS1 regardless of it being an interactive session or not.

Last edited by suicidaleggroll; 09-14-2014 at 08:41 AM.
Old 09-14-2014, 08:47 AM   #11
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Thanks, I'll try it.
Old 09-15-2014, 07:01 AM   #12
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Habitual, what you want is:

if [[ $iatest > 0 ]]; then bind '"\e[A": history-search-backward'; fi
if [[ $iatest > 0 ]]; then bind '"\e[B": history-search-forward'; fi
All credit to suicidaleggroll of course.
Old 09-15-2014, 07:14 AM   #13
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Thanks Jeff!
Old 09-17-2014, 05:41 AM   #14
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Couple of points (from my systems point of view):

1. Probably not a biggee for some, but several of my machines, including my main pc at home, does not have ifconfig installed and hence all of the net based parts fail. Now I know IPv6 is still working it way through,
but all my machines are using iproute2 (hence ip command) for net based actions.

2. I found the below comment and resulting code to be a little ambiguous as a new directory on my system with no files in it will return '8.0K'
# Total size of files in current directory
3. As we are in bash, why not use (()) for testing arithmetic

4. 'f' alias says it searches for files but there is no -type option to indicate this (ie directories will also be returned)

5. netstat commands are not available for me ... is there something to advise (maybe it is in help) what packages need to be installed

6. With aliases like countfiles, I find it cleaner (IMO) to use a function in place of trying to put it all on one line and be concerned about escaping
  for t in files links directories
    echo "$(find . -type ${t:0:1} | wc -l) $t"
  done 2> /dev/null
7. Your for loop for extracting archives is flawed in that it will undergo word splitting due to the use of $*. Either use a quoted "$@" or simply leave it off all together:
for archive
8. I would advise the use of [[]] over its single counterpart [] due to the prior being more robust and allows for additional features

9. pwdtail - in awk you can simply call $(NF-1) instead of setting the variable

10. distribution has no solution for Arch based systems

11. The big 'if' for setting PS1 would maybe look nicer as a case??

Hopefully some helpful feedback
Old 09-18-2014, 08:46 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by jeffguy77 View Post
Habitual, what you want is:

if [[ $iatest > 0 ]]; then bind '"\e[A": history-search-backward'; fi
if [[ $iatest > 0 ]]; then bind '"\e[B": history-search-forward'; fi
All credit to suicidaleggroll of course.
jeff and suicidaleggroll:
Thanks for this nugget! It solves the issue and works both locally and remotely. I posted it at Improved ~./bashrc history search with credit, of course.

Have a Great Day.
You rock!

Edit: Fri Sep 19, 2014 - 11:14:49 AM EDT
I had to revert to the former entries in my local ~/.bashrc for "some" reason.

Last edited by Habitual; 09-19-2014 at 10:15 AM.


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