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hnasr2001 12-30-2014 10:13 AM

run a script during boot up as a user
Operating system: Redhat 5.10

I have a script called radmon_daemon and a symbolic link to it at /etc/init.d/
ln -s /usr/tech/radmon/radmon_daemon radmond

the script run as root!
Is there a way to run it as user?

I have the script posted bellow;

radmon_daemon script;
# chkconfig: 345 99 99
# description: Radmon daemon

#Source Functions library
. /etc/init.d/functions

start () {

echo " Starting radmon"
# before we start let's make sure that only one radmon
# program is running.
sudo killall -q .radmocscript_echoff
sudo killall -q .radmonscript_echon
sudo killall -q .radmon5
# Now lets start radmon
cd /usr/tech/radmon #Need to be in directory for radmon to run properly
/usr/tech/radmon/.radmonscript_echoff &
echo "Radmon is started in background mode"
echo "Enter command radmon in directory /usr/tech/radmon to bring up front"
echo "/usr/tech/radmon/latestminute is generated every minute."

stop() {

echo "Stopping radmon."
cd /usr/tech/radmon #Need to be in directory for radmon to run properly
sudo killall -q .radmonscript_echoff
sudo killall -q .radmonscript_echon
sudo killall -q .radmon5

local() {

echo "Shutting down radmon for local operation."
cd /usr/tech/radmon #Need to be in directory for radmon to run properly
sudo killall -q .radmonscript_echoff
sudo killall -q .radmonscript_echon
sudo killall -q .radmon5
echo "Re-starting local radmon in 5 seconds"
sleep 5
echo "Restart radmon in background in 5 seconds"
echo "Radmon screen output is disabled"
sleep 2
/usr/tech/radmon/.radmonscript_echoff &
echo "Done!"

case "$1" in
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|local|restart}"
exit 0

Keith Hedger 12-30-2014 02:01 PM

To start off please use code tags for your posted scripts, second all init scripts are run as root, if you want to run a command in a script a a particular user try using su to run the command, many deamons allow being run as a particular user, ( appache for instance ) but see the relevent man pages, or you can run the script when the user logs in by placing it in ~/.bash_profile, or if worze comes to worse just get the init script to call the real script as a specific usr again you will probably have to use su.

suicidaleggroll 12-30-2014 05:35 PM

If your version of cron is new enough, you can stick the script in the user's crontab using the "@reboot" directive.

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