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Thymox 01-14-2002 11:40 AM

Kernel 2.4.17 patches...
OK, I've downloaded the patches 2.4.9 through to 2.4.17. I'm currently running on the Mandrake 8.1 default modultils, so will I have to download an upgrade for these aswell?

bluecadet 01-14-2002 01:46 PM

why don't you just get the whole tarball??? sounds like more hasle than it's worth.. mmm nice clean kernel from source.. mmmmmmm

drjimstuckinwin 01-14-2002 01:59 PM

Clean kernel definitely the way to go, patching .9 to .17 will take longer than doing it from scratch, unless you have problems with the download.
The modutils for 2.4 anything are OK with .17 I haven't upgraded mine since I moved to 2.4.2

Thymox 01-15-2002 07:23 AM

On my old computer, I would. I'd got it down to a tee. But on my new Abit, for some reason everytime I've tried doing clean kernel installs, it goes all wonkey eyed on me. The most common problem I've had:

Do new kernel install.
Rebooted into Linux.
New kernel springs up all sorts of errors about incompatible executables. Something to do with elfs and a.outs.
Boot from good-ol-trusty default-installed kernel, and guess what! It too also now comes up with the same types of error!

It seems that I can't get new kernels to work. So my idea was: If I can't go straight to the new one, I'll try patching it so that I keep the current kernel's configs, but have the new bit installed!

PS The Mandrake 8.1 default kernel is patched-to-hell with 3rd party updates, and I can't find their sources (origins).

drjimstuckinwin 01-16-2002 04:48 AM

So you need to compile with support for aout and elf executables. Its in the general setup I think, and would be wiped out by a make mrproper.
Soz if I'm insulting your intelligence.

Thymox 01-16-2002 06:00 AM

No, no. That's fine :D.

I don't admit to being the worlds greatest kernel guru, so if I'm not entirely sure about something, I normally go with the default suggestion. If memory serves me, the help thingy for aout/elf selection says that aout is being phased out and you should probably go with elf binaries only. If this is the case, then why are Mandrake shipping a distro which is aimed at people with little or no Linux experience, using aout binaries? (btw, that wasn't a question, that we me ranting on in rhetoric again).

When I get the chance I'll try doing a completely new kernel install on 2.4.17. (Unfortuantely I haven't got enough time to fart at the moment, too many bloody courseworks due in at one - and as usual, I've not got them done yet :)). One of the main reasons that I wanted it is because the ext3 support is not a patch or 3rd party patch anymore, it's part of the general kernel tree now.

Cheers for the advice, I'll try building with support for both.

drjimstuckinwin 01-16-2002 06:19 AM

Still officially experimental, so don't forget to select the experimental bit at the start.

ryanstrayer 01-21-2002 12:03 PM

As some additional food for thought, you might try this suggestion if you still have trouble later. I seem to have been having a hell of a time myself with compiling the dreaded kernel.

Whenever I compiled from scratch, I always got errors upon bootup, from missing mods, to hardware issues, you name it, I got it. I finally took a suggestion from another user and it seems to work great.

When you bring up your xconfig (or menuconfig) to compile your kernel, load the saved configuration from your original kernel out of your old /etc/src/linux-2.4.x directory. Sometimes the filenames aren't readily apparent. In RedHat 7.2, they distribute their kernel configs into a directory called 'configs'. But, that is not the rule. Mandrake 8.1 I gave up on looking for a saved config ... but only because I was having other major problems.

Once I brought up xconfig and loaded their (distirbutors) config, I changed nothing, and compiled the kernel. Upon reboot, everything worked great like it was supposed too. Nothing changed except for my kernel version (you should of seen my dumb #@# running around the room).

True, this does include more modules than you'll probably ever need, BUT it does not affect anything except maybe more hard drive space. It has been my experience so far, in compiling kernels, if you're not SURE it should be there, include it in a module, I never say no, unless I am 100% sure (like SMP).

Anyway, hope this helps you. I know the frustration all too well. :D

Aussie 01-21-2002 04:57 PM

I also do what ryan did. The kernel config is a .config and thus is a hidden file, if you copy the original one to the new kernel source and run "make menuconfig" it will load all the defaults from the stock distro kernel, you can then go through and check out whats enabled as modules and whats built in. I do it this way because I have my kernels tuned already so all I do with a new one is "make config" unless there is a new feature/hardware I want to add in, then I do the menuconfig thing.

DavidPhillips 01-21-2002 10:35 PM

Also you may want to go through it slowly and read the help on each option as you go.

Not a bad idea to take some notes on what works as well.
slack has a good approach to the kernel config. mine came with just about everything as a module. this allows you to try modules until everything works. make note of the loaded modules, then go back and change them to kernel support.

and then you can remove unneeded support if you wish.

If you are keeping the system for a while it will be worth the trouble.

it will take a few tries but you should end up with a good working system and you will know what's in it.

ryanstrayer 01-21-2002 11:01 PM

That's a great idea David. What would be the best way to identify what modules are being used by your kernel during boot?

DavidPhillips 01-21-2002 11:08 PM

this command will show the loaded modules.


Thymox 01-22-2002 08:35 AM

Aha! So Mandy 8.1 does save a list of what options have which selection? Am I right in thinking it's called .config? Yipee! I've actually been looking for this for ages. It never occured to me to check for hidden files!

Cheers guys. As soon as I have my stupid courseworks done, me thinks I'll try this!

acid_kewpie 01-22-2002 08:37 AM

well, it's nothign to do with mandy. all source packages have .config files if they need them. the old kernel configs are normally in /boot tho, which does come in very handy.

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