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Joy1982 03-20-2012 12:27 PM

Could i Get the Soln
1 ) Write a script so that if the user executes the program as /root/program user , it should display kernel and if the user executes the program as /root/program kernel , it should display user. If no argument is passed or any other string other that user or kernel is passwd then the script should display the following to stderr : /root/program kernel|user

2)Configure your system as iSCSI initiator. is as acting as shared storage device. The following requirements should be filfilled :

a. Create a partition of 30MiB.
b. Format the partition with ext4 filesystem & mount it under /mnt/data.
c. Download a file from & put it in /mnt/data.
d. The partition should be persistent.

3) Provide SSL-encapsulated IMAP access (IMAPS):
IMAPS must be available to brad from
IMAPS must NOT be available to other networks or domains.
The SSL certicate for the IMAPS server must be created as follows:
Use the defaults for Country , State , Locality , and Organization Name
Set Organizational Unit to GLS
Set Common Name to
Set Email Address to

4) Make the kernel parameter value set to 1 for kernflk. Changes should be visible from /proc/cmdline file.

unSpawn 03-20-2012 12:38 PM

Per the LQ Rules, please do not post homework assignments verbatim. (Note you've been warned about this behaviour before.) We're happy to assist if you have specific questions or have hit a stumbling point, however. Let us know what you've already tried and what references you have used (including class notes, books, and Google searches) and we'll do our best to help. Also, keep in mind that your instructor might also be an LQ member.

So, for each of your straight-from-the-textbook questions. what did you accomplish so far?..

Joy1982 03-21-2012 01:49 AM

For Reply Please

salasi 03-21-2012 03:51 AM

I'm sorry, but your approach here is not going to work. You are obviously posting questions straight from some course or textbook, and as unSpawn says, we don't do those. It really, really wouldn't help you if we did.

If you would care to rephrase your question in terms of 'I have been asked this question, I have tried ...., but I am stuck on how to deal with exactly this detail...' you might get some nudges of the order of 'have you considered using ....', but you still wouldn't get answers that you can copy into whatever you submit to your course tutor.

You should also consider that whoever looks at this thread is unlikely to download anything from and so will not know what that file is; if you can't explain what is going on with that file, it seems difficult to believe that you will get any help that depends on that part. You presumably have had some information on that as part of your course, or earlier work that you have done, and we don't have that.

onebuck 03-21-2012 09:38 AM

Moderator response
Per the LQ Rules, please do not post homework assignments verbatim. We're happy to assist if you have specific questions or have hit a stumbling point, however. Let us know what you've already tried and what references you have used (including class notes, books, and Google searches) and we'll do our best to help. Also, keep in mind that your instructor might also be an LQ member.
This post is closed since you fail to realize the importance of doing the homework yourself. You have been suggested to do your homework then when difficulty arises to present what has been done plus the problem area.

Please do not post homework verbatim and expecting someone else to do your work.

"Knowledge is of two kinds. We Know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it."- Samuel Johnson

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