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darkflounder 09-13-2004 06:10 PM

Sims 2 for Linux (or at least binaries)
Any chance we'll see The Sims 2 ported to Linux?? Sims2 is the only thing that's keeping that damn WinXP partition on my laptop.

Micro420 09-14-2004 02:12 AM

Better keep that Windows XP partition handy because I don't see it happening anytime soon!

chakkerz 09-19-2004 06:45 AM

Seems strangely unlikely, since EA allegedly has a contract with Transgaming (makers of Winex ... or whatever they are calling it this week). IF (and this seems highly unlikely, but if) they manage to get it to a score of 5, meaning it runs exactly like on Windows, then maybe, i'll re-subscribe to the non-emulator.

But even if this happens, all the expansions (and they will be comming, EA caters to the consumers afterall) will also need to run and so forth. Frankly, i can't see this working out unless there are native binaries, or they work real close with transgaming to make it happen. Neither of which is likely. I doubt EA cares about linux users, Their days of pioneering are long over (they were the first to release games on CD, or so some textbooks claim). And lets face it, people that want to play sims, will play sims, even if it means going to a hunk o shite OS. I hope there's a Mac version comming, coz then i can at least buy a new lappy and play the game, and still work in unix.

fieska 10-04-2004 06:29 AM

yes and i did not see a link on the official sims 2 site where to ask for a linux client for this game ....

RHLinuxGUY 10-04-2004 11:28 AM

Wait till the Transgaming store opens. I believe, since they said theres going to be "new" and "exciting" products, that they may have The Sims 2. Why not? I got the The Sims for linux, and it runs perfect. 5/5. And since the recent dx9 support, ill bet they can run there winexlibs on The Sims 2. Just be patient.

fieska 10-04-2004 12:14 PM

there's a linux client for sims 1 ? i was not aware that sounds good :)

sh1ft 10-04-2004 12:30 PM

I think he means it runs perfectly on wineX (5/5).

fieska 10-04-2004 12:51 PM

ok lol cheers :)

RHLinuxGUY 10-04-2004 06:53 PM

NO NO! I got the inux client of the sims. LINUX CLIENT! Go online and look for it. It was ported using WineX libs. But it still proted. It shows the Transgaming logo, and on the cd it says Transgaming. No joke.

fieska 10-04-2004 06:58 PM

so there's hope for sims 2 cheers ;)

RHLinuxGUY 10-04-2004 07:08 PM

I wouldn't be surprise if it comes out in the coming week or end of the month. When (hopefully) the Transgaming store reopens.

allforcarrie 02-17-2005 08:18 AM

If i could get sims 2 for linux, my wife would use linux.

Snipersnest 02-17-2005 09:55 AM

lol its funny... right now Sims2 won't work period with Cedega/P2P ... I know what you mean about your wife using Linux, mine is making the switch this weekend, but she'll miss Photoshop CS..

Sims 2 results:

Wilderness 03-24-2005 09:54 AM

Y'know, with real commercail games starting to be ported over to linux, I gotta wonder why the second coming of the Amiga never caught on......

republicson 03-30-2006 02:53 PM

Anybody know a place I can d/l The Sims 1 for linux (preferably for free)?

nikkiq 11-05-2006 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Snipersnest
know what you mean about your wife using Linux, mine is making the switch this weekend, but she'll miss Photoshop CS..

Sorry, I was looking for info on Sims 2 in Linux but just had to reply to this! I have Photoshop CS2 working with wine... I'm pretty sure CS works just fine too! :)

Tux-O-Matic 12-29-2006 02:56 PM

Yeah, anybody know a game close to Sims for Linux?

Electro 01-20-2007 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Tux-O-Matic
Yeah, anybody know a game close to Sims for Linux?

I have not yet found any. Since the project SimPE is used to manipulate game files, it is possible to use it to create a game similar to The Sims to run in Linux with out spending time to create game data format. Probably using OpenML will make writing the game easier.

I know enough C to write programs to convert one unit to another unit, but programming for GUI and multimedia are over my head.

At this time there is openttd and lincity-ng.

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