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eronis 07-14-2014 09:32 AM

Which Distro I Should use ?
I want to do web developing. My friend suggested me Cent OS. But I can not decide between fedora and cent os. Which distro I should use ?

---And. Can I take help from this forum for red hat ?

szboardstretcher 07-14-2014 09:39 AM

If you want a desktop, and you don't mind upgrading once a year, then Fedora is fine. It is a bleeding edge distro.

If you want a desktop/server that is stable and has a long term service without upgrades, for 5 years, then Centos is the way to go. If all you are doing is some standard PHP/web programming, then Centos will be fine for you. I suggest heading to and getting a centos VM for 5$ a month.

There are plenty of other options as well.

Red Hat is a paid-for linux. If you want it, or have questions, the best thing to do is buy a subscription and use their support. But we can certainly answer questions about Red Hat.

eronis 07-14-2014 09:49 AM

Is it just about periots of upgrades ? For example I want to play some games and I want to manage a server, I want to practice HTML, javascript, CSS etc... Is fedora appropriate for me ?

Cent OS using very old packages. I want to play some games. I want to use some programs. And I want to a cool desktop. Gnome3 is my favorite desktop !

DavidMcCann 07-14-2014 11:10 AM

You can do web development on any Linux system: they all have suitable software available.

For the other things you want to do, CentOS will probably annoy you! It has very little software compared with other distros, so you have to enable extra repositories and set their priorities so that they don't overwrite each-other's libraries: it's really for business use.

Good distros with Gnome 3 are Arios or Pinguy (based on Debian/Ubuntu) and Fedora. If you use the Korora installation disk for Fedora, it will give you things that Fedora leaves you to fetch for yourself, like flash and media codecs. If you do go for Fedora/Korora, read the installation instructions: Anaconda is not very intuitive, and I still wouldn't use it without reading-up first, even after several previous installs!

szboardstretcher 07-14-2014 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by DavidMcCann (Post 5203713)
For the other things you want to do, CentOS will probably annoy you! It has very little software compared with other distros, so you have to enable extra repositories and set their priorities so that they don't overwrite each-other's libraries: it's really for business use.

Base, epel, rpmforge are all i use, and it works fine as a desktop at work. No I cannot play games, but big whoop. What are you using where you have to use priorities?

It has lots of software -- just as much as Arch without the AUR. Of course, they are mostly older versions with backported patches for stability.

eronis 07-14-2014 01:02 PM

I'm confused ! I've installed fedora. I've seen arch from this link and I've downloaded manjaro. I've tried pinguy before but it's so slow. I don't know why but so slow. I'm gonna try fedora before try another distros.

ReaperX7 07-14-2014 08:40 PM

Before you distro hop around any further ask yourself this questionnaire:

1. What will I be using the distribution for exactly - Work, Gaming, Internet, Software Creation, etc?

2. Will I require software aimed at stability or bleeding edge?

3. Will I need to compile any software from source packages?

4. Will I need auto-dependency resolution of packages or can I opt for manual resolution?

5. Do I need software for a desktop, workstation, or laptop?

6. Do I want a desktop environment that's - Graphics Oriented, Simplified and Basic, Customizable to my liking, Flexible for any situation, I don't need no stinkin' desktop (TTY Console all the way baby!) etc?

That's a good general 6 questions that can help aim you at a distribution for you.

gor0 07-14-2014 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by eronis (Post 5203752)

nice distro!

eronis 07-15-2014 02:21 AM

Thanks so much. I've decided :)

DavidMcCann 07-15-2014 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by szboardstretcher (Post 5203717)
Base, epel, rpmforge are all i use, and it works fine as a desktop at work. No I cannot play games, but big whoop. What are you using where you have to use priorities?

Read the documentation:

So, make SURE you are using the Priorities yum plugin if you are using EPEL ... especially if you mix its packages with those from other 3rd party repos.

gor0 07-15-2014 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by eronis (Post 5203667)
My friend suggested me Cent OS

CENT os is 4 servers !!! so forget it !

want/NEED ARCH legitim with INSTALLER ???



TobiSGD 07-15-2014 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by gor0 (Post 5204272)
CENT os is 4 servers !!! so forget it !

want/NEED ARCH legitim with INSTALLER ???



CentOS is a clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, which is suited for servers and workstations. CentOS will run just fine on a desktop.
Also, if you recommend Arch it would help to explain why you think that Arch fits the OPs needs.

ReaperX7 07-15-2014 11:11 PM

Yes, Arch is more for those who live dangerously. One does not simply use ArchLinux.

gor0 07-16-2014 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by TobiSGD (Post 5204289)
CentOS is a clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Fedora is not better?

TobiSGD 07-16-2014 01:12 PM

There is no "better" in Linux distros, you will only find distros that are better for a specific task and even that might be subjective.
So, Fedora might be better for a certain task, CentOS better for others, but stating that CentOS is for servers only is plain wrong.

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