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FreeDoughnut 06-23-2006 09:05 PM

Windows (re)invented the camera!
Quote the senior vice president of research at Microsoft Corp., Rick Rashid:

We have a research project in Cambridge where one of our researchers designed and built a device that just literally takes pictures
Uh... ever hear of a camera? First, they copy Firefox (a few years old) with tabs. Now, the camera (almost 150 years old) with...the entire idea and purpose!!!

Now I realize that quote isn't quite what Mr. Rashid was trying to say. However, I do find it pretty funny (and typical M$). But if you read on:
Quote:’s like a black box for a human being
As if they don't invade our privacy enough! Everything you do, every click, keystroke on Windows, has a possibility of ending up in a data center. Call me a paranoid conspiracy theorist, but I think they are watching us.

And of course, a M$ employee can't go through an interview without bashing Linux:

A lot of times when people talk about proprietary, they say we charge money for what we do and others give it away for free. I think that’s less of an issue. If you create something of value that people want, people will pay for it. People buy Linux – they might not have to, but for someone to get Linux and to install it all by themselves without any effort from all the free places, is actually pretty hard.
"All the free places"? That's an incredibly vague attack on the open source community. "Pretty hard" is the best put-down he can come up with. Um... He's not giving any reason for using Micro$oft. I think I'll go through "pretty hard" for increased security, stability, efficiency, speed, wallet-friendliness, privacy, freedom, community, and support any day of the week (and twice on Sundays).

Don't take anything I say in this rant too seriously. I am slightly biased towards open source, and if you think I'm crazy and don't have any facts, dismiss this post. I don't want to start a flame war, just let my opinions on another Microsoft interview be known.

macemoneta 06-23-2006 09:10 PM

You should rent the movie, The Final Cut. This is where they, uh, borrowed the idea from.

FreeDoughnut 06-23-2006 09:25 PM

Great recommendation, but I already saw it. Kinda creepy...but now it's about to come true. And the fictional version gave me nightmares!

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