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NSKL 09-29-2002 10:12 AM

I just gotta show off my dualhead desktop as well :D
Its FluxBox with sephiroth theme
BluesX3 GTK theme
Rox to manage icons
and playing wolf3D over xDOSemu

hope you like it

MasterC 09-29-2002 10:46 AM

That is very cool! Does flux take a lot longer to load with the ROX icons? Also, I see that you have the /var/log/messages on your desktop, how did you do that? It appears to be just a part of the background, the upper right part of your screenshot.


zLinuxz 09-29-2002 10:49 AM

hey NSKL that's a nice screen shot. I think I like fluxbox...first time I've seen it. :)


MasterC 09-29-2002 11:02 AM

Z, are you kidding? You've got to be. The 2 from Nautilus are both Flux, and so is the one from me above ;)


NSKL 09-29-2002 11:16 AM

Ok, i got some goodies for ya :D
The program that displays logs is called root-tail (search google, its a really old program so if you dont find it, i'll e-mail it to you) and you can tell it to check as many log files as you want, and optionally display each log file in different color, (in my example /var/log/messages are green,n syslog is black and /var/log/secure in red)
Theres also many other loggers like the one i use. I hear ppl like colortail but i prefer root-tail. You start it from your .xinitrc and tell it what geometry it should have and it will sit there and be like the part of the background, you cant focus it, select it, etc..
I have about ten programs starting from .xinitrc so yeah, flux takes about 3-5 seconds to start on my athlon 1600+ i think its acceptable. And then Icons look cool :D

zLinuxz 09-29-2002 11:24 AM

oh, thanks MasterC....I'm half asleep over here, heheh...I went to a Russian barbecue last night, and the big " V " was obviously the most popular drink, :). The nice thing is that it's the kind you can only get in it's really good!, they even gave me a bottle as a gift...they're close friends to my family, :).

Any way, :)

DavidPhillips 09-29-2002 12:02 PM

I think details are in the old screenshot post

nautilus_1987 09-29-2002 12:32 PM

My grandpa makes the "V" by himself in the village :)
Good screenshot! and eva herzigova too :D
Does it takes much resources to run some program with xDosemu?
Can my Cel700 128mbRAM do it?

nautilus_1987 09-29-2002 12:47 PM

Guys! What geometry should be set up for root-tail, to be in left upper corner of the screen?

P.S. I am sorry for not topic post :)

NSKL 09-29-2002 12:55 PM

Ya, xdosemu takes quite a bit, but it should run fine on your celly IMO
For geometry, i use -g 75x10+500+0 to get it in top right corner, i guess something like 75x10+0+0 for top left. First two numbers determine size (75x10) and the second two numbers (+500+0) the position, so just play with numbers a little, until you are satisfied.

P.S. Ya, yesterday night i was on overdose of "V" as well :D got it from Yugoslavia, almost like russian one, home made of course.

nautilus_1987 09-29-2002 01:01 PM

hehehe, thanx for info NSKL :)
one more question, of course a bit of topic, but I hope Chad will forgive us:D
So is there some way to change the length of menu toolbar ( the one that is at bottom :)) ?

P.S. hahaha I also like "V" very much, most of all at birthday parties :D

NSKL 09-29-2002 01:11 PM

I know you could change the size of it in blackbox by editing ~/.blackboxrc
but i just switched to Flux recently and i dont know it very well, but im quite sure flux should have something similar to .blackboxrc (perhaps .fluxboxrc) im going to look for it now...

NSKL 09-29-2002 01:17 PM

Ok, found it.
the file that stands for .blackboxrc for flux is ~/.fluxbox/init
Now from the BB FAQ
4.6 How do I resize the toolbar? How can I move the toolbar? Is there a way to configure Blackbox, so that you can have the toolbar at the top of your screen opposed to the bottom?

(In your .blackboxrc file:)

session.screen0.toolbarWidthPercent: [0-100] ; percentage
session.screen0.toolbarPlacement: [bottom|top]

So i guess if you edit/put the above lines in ~/.fluxbox/init you should be able to resize the toolbar. I dont have time to try it out now, so good luck

nautilus_1987 09-29-2002 01:28 PM

Here is my new scrrenshot for Chad with 100%menu :)

wonderpun 09-30-2002 12:56 PM

Here's my new, fully configured SlackBox!! :) Hope you like it!

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