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thegeekster 03-20-2004 11:19 PM SCO targets federal supercomputer users
SCO targets federal supercomputer users
By Stephen Shankland
Staff Writer, CNET

The SCO Group, the company that's hoping to profit from its assertion that Linux violates its Unix intellectual property, has threatened legal action against two federal supercomputer users, letters released Thursday show.

SCO sent letters raising the prospect of legal action for using Linux to two Department of Energy facilities, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC).


HappyTux 03-21-2004 12:53 AM

And you have permission to post this entire article? I would suggest an edit.


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All editorial content and graphics on our sites are protected by U.S. copyright, international treaties and other applicable copyright laws and may not be copied without the express permission of CNET Networks, Inc., which reserves all rights. Re-use of any of CNET Networks' editorial content and graphics for any purpose without CNET Networks permission is strictly prohibited.

vi0lat0r 03-21-2004 01:24 AM

He gave credit where it was due and did not claim to have wrote it himself. He even linked back to the news article, I see nothing wrong with it...

Not to mention I didn't have to load another tab in FireFox, ;-)

SciYro 03-21-2004 05:16 AM

is it even legal to sue people that depends on the wining another case?, and not just one

if SCO loses to either novell or IBM they pretty much have no case for any other lawsuits.. why would the legal system even hear them until they finish these cases?

bigjohn 03-21-2004 08:35 AM

Now what would make me laugh, if, because of the federal interest, the justice dept managed to get it's finger out of it's arse - and found no infringement.

Then decided to pull a racketeering action against the SCO board. Yes, I do believe, that that would make me laugh. LOTS! :)

trickykid 03-21-2004 09:34 AM

As I'm sure some members like having news they can read elsewhere posted here, I find it unecessary to post whole articles and then a link to it when the site in question may have strict copyright rules. Apparently their notice tells us you need permission first, not just giving the writer credit. You should really write your own brief summary of what you think of the article in your own words, then supply the link to the article.


PS. And besides, this was news I read two days ago.. hmmm..

trey85stang 03-21-2004 10:07 AM


Originally posted by SciYro
is it even legal to sue people that depends on the wining another case?, and not just one

if SCO loses to either novell or IBM they pretty much have no case for any other lawsuits.. why would the legal system even hear them until they finish these cases?

from what I have read... If any of the cases from sueing autozone or any company for useing linux.. If the court throws it out.. then the case with IBM will be thrown out as well.

Im not sure if that is true or not or if i read right. But if that is the case.. the more they try to sue the better.. right?

JaseP 03-22-2004 12:34 AM

If you look carefully at the lawsuits, SCO has only sued companies that used their products (claiming that they used libraries and whatnot from them in their switch to Linux). Then they spin the story around them to seem as though they are pursuing all Linux users...

As for suing the Federat Gov't,... I really don't think so. They don't have enought resources to take on Uncle Sam AND cover their keisters at the same time. The whole stock-kiting thing with M$ and Baystar is just waiting to open up on them...

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