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sandy 09-27-2002 05:47 AM

Uptime Website
i remember that MasterC suggested one site which shows uptime statistics of various servers. Can anybody plz suggest me the link or some similar one.

Any way
A Happy Birthday to You (although its too late):D

acid_kewpie 09-27-2002 06:02 AM

it's not exactly hard to search the site...

MasterC 09-27-2002 06:14 AM

he he he, thanks for covering for me Chris ;)

Thanks for the Birthday wish! It's not too late, I still have another 20 hours before my birthday is over, at least in my time zone :)


MasterC 09-27-2002 06:39 AM

Oh and the thread title...

I am very amused by it, and like it. But really you could have said something like:

Uptime website

And then the question:

I remember seeing a website, posted by MasterC I think, that displayed uptimes of various websites and such. Can anyone provide me with the link, as I have searched but with no luck.


Or something. But don't get me wrong, I really like the direct question, but other's (especially the mods) might not think it's as funny/cool as I do.


sandy 09-27-2002 07:32 AM

Thank you MasterC for pointing out the mistake . I did not think that much when I was writing it. I had kept the address in my bookmarks and Today when I couldnt find it there ( dunno how? may be another mistake :confused: ) I just thought of searching LQ for that link.But when I found myself to be unsuccessful I thought of mailing you . Actually it should be a private message Isn't it? :D

MasterC 09-27-2002 07:50 AM

No worries (I'm not australian, but read that with an australian accent ;) ) :cool:


sandy 09-27-2002 08:08 AM


Originally posted by MasterC
No worries (I'm not australian, but read that with an australian accent
Did it :rolleyes: ? I knew that there was some $#%@$ with the post but I didnt know that I was imitating Aussies.:cool:

sandy 09-27-2002 08:23 AM

I have changed the post as u have suggested. Now howz it?:D

MasterC 09-27-2002 08:27 AM

he he he, sounds cool. But what I was meaning was to read my "no worries" with an accent, not that your post was accented funny :D

That's pretty damn funny though, and a much better first liner, but now Chris reply looks a little funny, and so does mine, but oh well, all is well now.


finegan 09-28-2002 04:21 AM

Threads aimed at particular people... I dunno, I don't care; the other mods might, although it kinda defeats the purpose if that guy takes a day or week off.

Kewp's and Cragstar's forum though, down in sleepy old hardware things are pretty straightforward: supported, not supported, supported in pre-X or 2.5.x, that's 3 out of 5 answers usually.

I dig that PHP toy too, heck I've got it running.

Oh and if I had a nickel for ever Ausism or Anglicaterm that's wandered into my vocabulary over the past year due to this forum, I'd have a new processor.



MasterC 09-28-2002 06:25 AM

Well since this thread is pretty much a one shot deal, I can change topic now right? :D

Hey fin, got a few questions about the link provided there...

What's lo? I see it in Gkrellm, and now I see it on your stats, so I am now curious :confused:

Did you build that page, or is it some sort of go through that someone with NO knowledge of coding could follow? That's really very cool, and I'd like to build something like that for my box. Impress the non linux geeks a little more ;)

Anyway, thanks for letting me know your views on "aimed posts". I just think they are funny, and restrictive. Other than that, they really don't bother me much, not like alot of things do though :) Easy, happy go lucky kinda guy usually. Probably from the years of nights I guess.

Cool, yeah, if you can let me know about building a page like that, that'd be cool. thanks!


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