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FreeThinkerJim 11-01-2005 09:12 PM


I posted on that thread in hopes of someone being able to tell me which directory it goes in.
Good idea. Sorry to have screwed up your box. I haven't used Fedora in over a year, so I wouldn't know what to do with that. I just hope I got you on the right track :)

GameQber 11-01-2005 09:24 PM

lol, no problem. :P

I appreciate the help.

If anyone here knows which rc folder to put it in, please let me know. They seem to be pretty slow to answer over at the other forum. :P

johnewing 11-02-2005 12:05 PM


I think I've got this figured out. I did a quick search on Google and I found this thread:

It looks like your BIOS is giving Linux bad information, and it messes stuff up. I've never personally experienced this though. People say this fixes their problems, so I'd give it a go.
I saw this on the rage forum as well but I don't think this is what is causing the problem in this
case. I was getting the exact same error messages trying to install the latest ATI driver on fc4.
I managed to get it to work without doing any of the highly technical hacks they advise.

You may consider trying this before resorting to trying adding stuff to you rc.5 folder again.
(each folder represents a list of process that should be started for each run level. Run level 3 is the standard
command line only run level run level 5 the standard x windows run level etc.) So you were correct to
add stuff to the rc.5 folder but may have had a mistake in your script or didn't add the sym link properly.

Try removing the driver with

[CODE ]rpm -e rpmname [/CODE]

where rpmname is the name of the rpm file you installed

then try installing as per the instructions on the fedora faq
{instructions from faq}

cd /etc
mv yum.conf yum.conf.old
rpm -Uvh

yum install ati-fglrx kernel-module-fglrx-$(uname -r)

If this doesn't work let me know I'll try to help you do the rage forum hack as I have a fc4 machine
and can test it on that and advise you where to put stuff


GameQber 11-02-2005 04:38 PM

No luck. :(

I'm still getting the same:
reg00: base=0x00000000 ( 0MB), size=984064MB: write-back, count=1
reg01: base=0x40000000 (1024MB), size=983552MB: write-back, count=1

and no 3D hardware acceleration. Of course, I expected this much trouble since I know that ATI and Linux don't mix well.

Anyway, I had the link in the rc5.d folder but I kept getting [FAILED] when starting fix_mtrr at the boot sequence (and it resulted in Linux running very slowly).

scar_freewill 11-04-2005 03:12 PM

I have fedora core 4 and I first tried the fedorafaq's "yum install ati-fglrx kernel-module-fglrx-$(uname -r)" but then someone telled me that I must "yum update" before I can install the drivers and the updates was 500mb to much for my internet (56k) and then I installed the drivers through ati's rpm like this "rpm -Uh --force drivername.rpm" and then I just fglrxconfig and restarted the x-server (ctrl+alt+backspace or you could just normal restart) anyway then It worked.

What mother-board are you using?
msi neo2 palt k8(mine)

ps: I know that ati does not support linux that well, but I used to have a geforce 4 mx440 and it is crap card (no shaders) and it was easier to install nvidia drivers than ati, but in your case I wouldn't say it would have gone better with nvidia, I am not sure though because I am also still a bit new to linux.


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