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-   -   Just installed Fedora on backup drive, now can't boot windowsXP (

Desram 05-22-2004 07:42 PM

I created a partition for fedora core 2 on my slave hd and the installation went fine. Fedora booted up fine. When I rebooted and tried to run windows XP, I recieved the following message:
Booting 'Windows XP'

rootnoverify (hd0,0)
Chainloader + 1

and then it freezes. This has happened twice now.

I didn't do anything to the drive with windows on it.
Thanks for any replys

sonic.cfg 05-22-2004 11:00 PM

i have the same problem :(

amir_h 05-23-2004 12:01 AM

Me too:(

Bambino 05-23-2004 12:06 AM


If you look around on the forum you will see a lot of threads discussing this problem....

Try to add the makeactive command in /boot/grub/grub.conf:

Title Windows
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

if this still dont doesnt do it then try to add these 2 lines after the chainloader command

map (hd0) (hd1)
map (hd1) (hd0)


kingkrill 05-23-2004 08:30 PM

I am new to all of this, so how would you do this from the command line. Thanks for your help.

Bambino 05-24-2004 12:59 AM

well - you just need at least to know how to edit a file. You can use the "vi" editor for that. So from the command line:

#vi /boot/grub/grub.conf

this will bring up the GRUB configuration file for editing using the vi editor. This file contains your dual boot options. You will have entries for booting Linux and for your windows.
Look for the section starting with "title DOS" or "title Windows". The FC installation will have inserted 2 commands in there:

title DOS
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

make the changes I proposed by entering vi INSERT mode by typing i. When the changes are done, exit and save the changes by typing
ESC :x

(ESC leaves the INSERT mode,
: for COMMAND mode and
x will exit and save the changes

If you want to exit witout saving changes, use :q!

good luck:)

wiraone 05-24-2004 01:45 AM

Your WinXP partition has been tossed .. you may want to check this thread:

and try every single thing you can find here:

And let us know if you've fixed it :)

kingkrill 05-24-2004 06:07 AM

I tried the vi editor last night, but when I opened grub.conf file I did not find any text in the file. The command prompt I am using is the linux rescue because my linux will not boot either. I followed all the default settings and instructions for this install, I also have XP on a separate hard drive. I used to know a few vi commands but it has been several years since I have used them, so what is the command to scroll to the top. I think the lines you are talking about are at the top of the file, so to speak, I had this same problem last week when I was using a single drive, so I bought another drive hoping to get the problems resolved and not mess up my XP drive. I tried some things to try to fix it like sfdisk command I found on and the BIOS LBA setting for the hard drive, then opening the file but of course I forgot all my vi commands. I will keep trying to get this fixed this time without formatting my XP again.

Bambino 05-24-2004 06:32 AM


If your Linux wont boot, Im afraid the problem is different. I dont have that much knowledge on Linux and cant help you then.

My solution was only for the Windows XP not able to boot problem. And as mentioned in the previous mail in this thread, also the LBA setting might fix it, depending on the problem.


harley51 05-24-2004 03:52 PM

Fedora Core 2 Install Experience
Check my thread on page 2 of the Fedora Forum titled Fedora Core 2 Install Experience. It might shed some light.

kingkrill 05-25-2004 06:24 AM

Thanks for the information, some of the work arounds you tried I have thought about but I was setback yesterday when I tried a fixboot and fixmbr from the XP resuce console. After a half a day of troubleshooting I can finally boot off my first hardrive again. Now it is time to tackle Fedora again. Since I had to blow everything away again, I think I will just go with Core 1 this time. I may upgrade to Core 2 when I hear it is more stable on the install.

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