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Franklin 12-31-2004 11:22 PM


Originally posted by Brane Ded
The SubGenius must have Slack!

<some silliness deleted>

Don't worry, someday you will understand. ;)

he he he ...

" Ah grasshopper... one day, if you are lucky, you will have Clue."


synaptical 12-31-2004 11:30 PM

arch, no contest. :cool:

snwright 01-01-2005 03:49 AM

i guess all i can say is fedora cause that's the only one i've had much experience with. but honestly, i'm not all that happy with the fc3 upgrade (from fc1). of course, at least some of the PEBKAC, but still... i thought the upgrade was gonna be easy cause the inital install was seamless with fc1. instead, i lost all (both, i guess) of my cool not-all-that-complicated-but-a-pain-in-the-ass-to-fix things: keybindings in fluxbox, and optical sound support.
grr, but if i ain't complaining cause it's FREE and FUN!
wahoo, go fedora! keep the good stuff coming!

MMYoung 01-01-2005 04:37 AM

The one!
The Only!


muah 01-01-2005 04:39 AM

Slackware for ever !!!

Lindlar 01-01-2005 04:57 AM

Debian forever

kesara 01-01-2005 05:29 AM

I vote for the fastest..
ie Gentoo;-)
LFS really good but need to improve on optimizations.
And Gentoo got the portage, I think the best Software Managing System.

mysterio 01-01-2005 07:33 AM

For linux disto, didn't even have to think about this one, Slackware is the one.:D

guzzi 01-01-2005 10:02 AM

runs my heater
Got into Slackware because it works fast and stable on everything (486 - Dual P4 Xeon).

Slackware even works with everything on my Sony laptop.

If it wans't for Linux Questions, I would most likely still be using RedHat or whatever.

By the way, folding@home runs sweet on Slack too.

Snowolf 01-01-2005 10:20 AM

Well, I am using now PRO MEPIS so I voted MEPIS, but i use also Xandros OS 3.0 Deluxe and it's really great but its software choisies aren't so good and it brandize Kopete...
In conclusion I think that MEPIS is the best.
I tried MandrakeLinux 10.1 Community & Official, Fedora Core 3, Xandros Desktop OS 3.0 Deluxe and much more, but no one is better than MEPIS.

spaniard 01-01-2005 12:07 PM

I am amazed how many of you got the wrong answer, the correct answer is, of course, UBUNTU!

Skull_Notions 01-01-2005 01:01 PM

Mepis is the best distro without doubt:
DeMuDi flies the flag in the development of audio in linux.

uman 01-01-2005 01:44 PM

Re: Fedora rulez

Originally posted by linux_man_2004
We also mustn't talk about the speed because Fedora 3 beats every other OS.
Dude, are you serious? I don't want to start a flame war, and I love Fedora, but have you ever tried Gentoo? Maybe, just mmaybe Fedora could be able to come somewhere near Gentoo as far as speed goes if (and only if) you compile EVERYTHING ON THE BOX from source with the proper CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, and then turn off lots of boot services. Then it would compare (not beat, compare) to Gentoo.

I don't mean to start a flame war, this is verifiably true. Compiling with the proper optimizations is faster.

trickykid 01-01-2005 02:17 PM

Re: Fedora rulez

Originally posted by linux_man_2004
People, people, we don't have to argue. Of course Fedora is the best. It has always commed to us with the newest things available (and stable). Fedora 3 (the newest) uses kernel 2.6.9 (by default), whereas Slackware uses a very old 2.4.* kernel and ofcourse the software within is very, very old. We also mustn't talk about the speed because Fedora 3 beats every other OS.
Haha.. you made me laugh. 2.4.x old.. hehe.. tell that to probably the 80% of corporations that still use the 2.4.x kernel series..

Like several other members here have said, you'll soon understand.. I'm not knocking Fedora myself, I like it, but you should really watch what you say in regards to which OS is best, fastest, 2.4 kernels are old.. etc, etc...

Sal5528 01-01-2005 02:27 PM

Please add PCLinuxOS to the Distribution of the Year poll. Thanks Sal5528

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