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By paragkalra at 2006-12-13 12:40

We all use the GMail email service. Its a Google way of describing emails. Its an excellent service, no arguments on that. Also, we all use MICROSOFT OUTLOOK. Again a good email client software made by MICROSOFT. But what if you are a LINUX USER, What to Do? Solution is pretty simple, USE EVOLUTION. EVOLUTION IS LINUX'S answer to MICROSOFT'S OUTLOOK. But can GMAIL BE INTERGRATED WITH EVOLUTION. Of course it can be, read below.

First of all for all those who don't know how to make GMAIL WORK WITH OUTLOOK, follow this excellent online official GMAIL documentation.

Unfortunately GMAIL doesn't provide any documentation for SENDMAIL, but its pretty simple, just follow the following steps:
  1. Go to Applications --> Internet --> Email
  2. First it will ask you for your Identity, give your name and a valid email address which you want to integrate with SENDMAIL.
  3. It will then ask you to select your Incoming email server, select it to POP. In the same section under host place an entry: and under username your valid gmail email address including On the same window make SSL to Always, set authentication type to Password and ask the computer to remember the password.
  4. Then set the time you want SENDMAIL to check for the new emails.
  5. Under sending mail options, set server type to IMAP, Host to, SSL to Always, set username to your valid gmail email address including and finally ask the OS to remember the password.
  6. Give any name to your account say GMAIL.
  7. Apply the settings.

Boom you are done with settings on your LinuX box. Login into your gmail account and enable the POP ACCESS under SETINGS

Thats it you are done......Now its time to check and work your on Linux Email Client Sendmail

In the Sendmail window, the second tab consists of SEND/RECIEVE click it to check any new mails.

by MS3FGX on Sun, 2007-02-18 20:57
I am a bit confused by this article.

The random capitalizations aside, half way though the document you start referring to Sendmail, which of course is not even a email client at all. I guess you got it mixed up with Evolution?

Also, I would question the claim that Evolution is "Linux's answer to Outlook". If anything, it is GNOME's answer to Outlook. There are many different mail clients that run on Linux; and while I don't have any hard numbers, I am fairly sure that Evolution isn't even the most popular.


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